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ㅁ 목차 링크 - https://asterisco.tistory.com/726




ㅁ 구문

spend + 시간/돈 + (in) N(Ving)
== spend + 시간/돈 + on N(Ving)
ㄴ N(Ving) 하는데 시간/돈을 사용하다(쓰다/들다).


ㅁ 예문

1. She spent $100 on a new jacket.

2. The company has spent thousands of pounds (in) updating their computer systems.

3. I spent the weekend in Paris.

4. Her childhood was spent in Seoul.

5. Most of his life was spent in caring for others.

6. He spends too much effort on things that don't matter.





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