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ㅁ 목차 링크 - https://asterisco.tistory.com/726




ㅁ 구문

be concerned with A
ㄴ A와 관계가 있다. / A에 관심이 있다. / A에 신경이 쓰이다.

be concerned about A
ㄴ A에 대해 걱정하다. / A에 대해 염려하다.

be concerned to R
ㄴ R(V)하기를 바라다. / R(V)하는게 중요하다고 생각하다.


ㅁ 예문 for 'be concerned with A'

1. They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than in what the speaker was saying.

2. The world seems to be concerned with the fundamental powerty of North Korea.


ㅁ 예문 for 'be concerned about A'

1. I'm concerned about how they teach English in Korea.

2. US intelligence officials concerned about cyber attack.

3. He is very (much) concerned about the future of the country.


ㅁ 예문 for 'be concerned to R '

1.  Friend is concerned to do as much as he can to enhance the rights of victims and their families.

2. She was concenrned to do something for people at the bottom end of the scale.

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