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ㅁ 목차 링크 - https://asterisco.tistory.com/726




ㅁ 구문

used to R
ㄴ (과거에) ~하곤 했다.(지금은 X)

be used to R
ㄴ ~하기 위해 사용되어지다.

be used to N
ㄴ N(Ving)하는데 익숙하다.


ㅁ 예문 for 'used to R'

1. He used to come and see me on Sundays.

2. He used to stay at home, and sleep beside his dear mother


ㅁ 예문 for 'be used to R'

1. This booklet is used to give you detailed information about our product.


ㅁ 예문 for 'be used to N(V+ing)'

1. He is quite used to living alone in the house.

2. She is accustomed to speaking English in public.

3. We are accustomed to hearing of America as the top nation.

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