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ㅁ 목차 링크 - https://asterisco.tistory.com/726




ㅁ 구문

too ~ to R
ㄴ R(V) 하기 힘들다. / R(V) 할수 없다. too ~ not to R
ㄴ R(V) 해야만 한다. / R(V)하지 않을 수 없다.


ㅁ 예문 for 'too ~ to R'

1. In the morning they are too busy getting off to work to have time for conversation.

2. I am too young to get married.

3. He was too astonished for words.


ㅁ 예문 for 'too ~ not to R'

1. She is too carefil not to prepare for all.






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